Friday, January 11, 2008


I was really, really hoping for a snow day. It was a long week... not a bad week, just long. Luckily, I didn't have to report for jury duty on Tuesday. I've found that the corn dog and white bread diet doesn't sit well with me. That ruined my day on Wed. Someday I'll learn that eating well makes me feel better and not eating well often lands me flat on my back.

I was asked today why, when I already have 3 children are my own, I would want to adopt children. I just didn't have an answer. Does having extra love to give count? Does wanting to make the world a better place, even if it's only for one child, count? What about the fact that I love to hold little ones and rock the evenings away? How about the thought that puke and poop, though not pleasant, are really just minor inconveniences to me? What about the feeling that my family is still not complete? What's legitimate and what is just too wishy-washy, smooshy-gooshy of a reason?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

my heart skipped a beat when I read that you have 3 children and have thought about adopting another! Good for you for not boxing in your mind, no matter what you decide! I was adopted and highly recommend it (smile). Blessings! and super cute page by the way!